What Is Tomorrow’s NewsWatch Today
Mk 13:37 “Moreover what I say to you, I say to all,
‘Keep watching!’”
These words of Jesus forcefully remind us of the importance to watch and
be alert to where His kingdom-program is moving — this ultimately
determines today’s news.
So be sure to join us in our regular programs of “Tomorrow’s NewsWatch
Today“, sharing things to watch for as God’s plan roles out.
What Is Tomorrow’s NewsWatch Today
1 Tim 2:1-2 reads, “First of all therefore, I exhort that felt-need-petitions, prayers, interventions and thanksgivings be constantly made: for the benefit of all people, for the benefit of kings [people with great authority] . . .”
Biblical intercession is literally intervention, which points to the intersection of heaven and earth (God’s preferred-will). “Spirit-directed intervention” for intercessors then centers in waiting upon the Lord to learn what hits the mark (is His will) – i.e. so the believer can act as His agent.
Hence this passage urges active interventions of citizenry as the Lord leads believers to lend valuable influence in government, community politics, etc. It extends intervention to benefitting people in eminent positions so that citizens can enjoy a tranquil, quiet life. God directs these interventions to influence citizens to live under His Word. All four types of prayer identified here involve intercessors giving God access to their hearts to be divinely-directed as salt and light in their society – i.e. to actively impact community and family.
As “salt and light” to the world, Christians should impact their society by “piety and gravity” (1 Tim 2:2). The key is learning from God about what He defines is true sanctification in a specific scene of life. Accordingly, the living word is emphasized, urging believer-priests to hear from God in their situation to follow His preferred-will.
Why This Matters
The Lord brings about these events to revive His people and this is the most crucial lens through which to evaluate the news of the day.
We must lay hold of the courage and light offered to walk triumphantly in the Lord Jesus Christ… to face uncertain days with certainty, frightening times with bold initiative, and secular interpretations of news with God’s word.
Extraordinary times call for an extraordinary response. A TNT letter
Dear Reader, There is a pressing matter, we at HELPS Ministries would like to bring to your attention. It has to do with encouraging and summoning citizens of our heavenly…
NewsWatch for the Church: Significant developments to watch for…
Contents Set Up Watch List Summary/expectations Exhortation This article from Nov 12, 2020 shares trends to look for concerning the most important thing in today’s news: the redeemed church of…
Watchlist Updates
Why we cannot stay silent [VIDEO]
Newt Gingrich, a former speaker of the US House of Representatives, explains in 5 minutes what the media won’t tell you and how state legislators can ensure illegal/contested votes are…
What is the duty of State legislators? [VIDEO]
Jenna Ellis, a Christian constitutional-law attorney, explains in 1 minute what state legislators must do. This also explains why we are encouraging you to call them. Click here for help with that….
Why must State legislators get involved? [VIDEO]
Jenna Ellis, a Christian constitutional-law attorney, explains in less than 3 minutes why state legislators must get involved. This also explains why we are encouraging you to call them. Click here for…
3 Ways to take action NOW
1 Tim 2:1-2 reads, “First of all therefore, I exhort that felt-need-petitions, prayers, interventions and thanksgivings be constantly made: for the benefit of all people, for the benefit of kings [people with great authority] . . .”
Request Audit in One Click

Click here to send a pre-written e-mail to every swing state House and Senate Leader in one easy click and ask for a full audit. Also, please share this with your friends on Facebook, Parler, and Twitter. You can learn more by visiting https://everylegalvote.com. Thank you!
Call Your State Legislatures

State legislatures of PA, GA, MI, WI, NV, and AZ have independent constitutional authority to fix the problem with the election results in America. State legislators have the duty to appoint electors. The electors they appoint will provide the decisive vote in Congress.
Congress will count and certify the votes of the Electoral College by Jan 6, 2021.
Therefore we would encourage you to call your state legislator regularly until then.
You can find Republican state legislators’ phone numbers by entering your US residential address by clicking here. You will even be provided with the language to help you during the phone call!
Two short videos in which a Christian constitutional law attorney explains what state legislators do and why they must get involved, are available here and here. To read more about state legislatures, click here.
Below is a press statement from the same attorney’s legal team regarding the ‘Safe Harbor Deadline’:
“The ‘Safe Harbor Deadline’ is a statutory timeline that generally denotes the last day for states to certify election results. It is not unprecedented for election contests to last well beyond December 8.
“Justice Ginsburg recognized in Bush v. Gore that the date of ‘ultimate significance’ is January 6, when Congress counts and certifies the votes of the Electoral College. The only fixed day in the U.S. Constitution is the inauguration of the president on January 20 at noon.”
Connect with the RNC

Connect with the Republican National Committee (RNC) members in your state by clicking here. (Simply click the “FILTER STATES” button to jump to your state.)
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